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     According to an old legend Japan was founded in 660 year B.C. by Jimmu - considered to be the heir of the sun god Ninigi.
The legend says Jimmu was the first emperor of Japan and from his person the official pictorial guide of emperors always begins. Historicians, however, oppose to this idea. They suspect that this fact took place in the 1st or 2nd century B.C.
    The first three centuries of the present era is the time of forming a new structure of the society and creating of the great Japanese families and houses. One of them, who owned the land in the Yamato province had gradually expanded his lordship and in the V century had most of the Honsiu island under his ruling. Untill 710 year Yamato was the official name of Japan. In 538 in the Asuka town, where the ruler of Yamato stayed, arrived a legation of one of the Korean countries that brought as a gift a statue of Buddha, buddhist flags and ornaments and holy books. The gifts made a lot of impression on the whole court and soon this religion was accepted in the whole country. During the next 300 years Japan was under a stron influence of China. From China many different forms of Buddhism, system of governing and written language were borrowed and implemented. Since then military generals got more and more powerful. The first Europeans came to Japan in XVI century and brought not only new materials and resources but also modern weaponry and Christianity. During the whoole XVII century Japan was full of all of those products and so it isolated itdelf from the outside world. It was only trading with Dutchmen but this was concerning only one island near Nagasaki. The country remained behind the steel courtain untill 1853 when American sailor Matthew Perry arrived with a fleet of warships and forced on the emperor to bring back the trading with other countries. During the ruling of Meiji dynasty Japan changed from a backwarded and less developed country into a very powerful one. The colonial ambitions of this mountain land had lead to the annexation of Korea in 1905 and invation on Manjuria in 1930 and finally to bombing Pearl Harbor on Decmber 7th 1941, which resulted in United States to enter the World War.





  designed and made by Anna Jurkiewicz, Daniel Arak, Szymon Buczak, Marcin Dħbrowwski