
Tutoriale - Aplikacje Adobe  Photoshop  After Effects  Flash  HTML + CSS

Projektowanie - Inspiracja   Design and Technology   Web design   Barwa   Komiks   

Produkcja wideo - Standardy  Film  Animacja

Zasoby - Fotografie/tekstury  Fonty  Ikony  Pędzle  Aplikacje  

HCI - Użyteczność  Kansei  GUI  


Aplikacje Adobe

Adobe TV

Adobe Design Center

Adobe Design Center - Video workshop - darmowe tutoriale wideo do aplikacji Adobe

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Tutoriale Photoshop

Psdtuts+ - Photoshop Tutorials Network

Abduzeedo - Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials

Tutorial 9 - The Best Tutorials & Resources. Free.

Photoshop User TV

Layers Magazine - the how-to magazine for everything Adobe

Kelbytraining - Training for Photographers, Graphic Designers, Illustrators, Multimedia Artists, and Hobbyists

Good Tutorials

Planet Photoshop Tutorials

Voidix Web Design Tutorials

Matte Painting Tutorials - Forum-Serwis o Adobe Photoshop

Redsofa Tutorials (praca inżynierska PJWSTK 2007)

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Tutoriale After Effects

Free After Effect Training Tutorials - darmowy podstawowy kurs AE - jedna z najlepszych stron o efektach specjalnych w AE (hosted by Andrew Kramer)

Aetuts+ - After Effects Tutorials Network - After Effects Video Tutorials (hosted by Jerzy Drozda Jr)

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Tutoriale Flash - tutoriale wideo dotyczące Actionscript

Flashtuts+ - Flash Tutorials Network - tutoriale wideo dotyczące Actionscript - tutoriale tekstowe dotyczące Actionscript

Webzo Studio - tutoriale dotyczące tworzenia gier, galerii itp. z użyciem Actionscript

Flash Enabled Blog - a blog covering Air, Flash, Flex, Illustrator and Photoshop

Good Tutorials

Flash Kit, A Flash Developer Resource

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Tutoriale HTML + CSS

W3 Schools HTML Tutorial

W3 Schools CSS Tutorial

Cascading Style Sheets Home Page

Dynamic Drive CSS Library - Practical CSS codes and examples

CSS menu tutorial

Good Tutorials

JavaScript Kit - Your comprehensive JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, and Ajax stop

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Smashing Magazine - We smash you with the information that will make your life easier. Really.

Adobe Edge - Get free news to inform and inspire web designers and developers

Web Designer Wall- A wall of design ideas, web trends, and tutorials

Designflavr - Daily design and visual art inspiration

Bittbox - Free handmade vectors, brushes, and design tutorials

Deziner Folio - A Site dedicated to the creative aspects of Design


deviantART - Where ART meets application!

Pixelgirl Presents - Free Mac and PC icons, Desktops, iPhone Wallpapers and more!

2Advanced Studios

Tokyo Plastic - Yugo Nakamura Design

Media Inspiration

Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog

The Museum of Modern Art

Aperture Science

Audi R8 Website

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Design and Technology

Yanko Design - Modern industrial design news

Productdose - style/technology/design/substance: read + buy

TechEBlog - the latest tech and gadget news

Autodesk Project Dragonfly - design tool for home improvement

do góry

Web Design

Web Design from Scratch - Free web design course, web basics, web page layout, free web design tutorials, design case studies, and web design examples

Fuel your creativity - Web design and graphic design blog

Elite - Web design and blogging

Pro blog design - How to design a better blog.

Web Design References: Web standards

Web Developer's Handbook

A List Apart: Articles

LightBox 2

Slimbox 2 - the ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone

Issuu - You Publish (online PDF converter and library)


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Adobe Kuler

Web Design References: Color

Web Developer's Handbook: Color Tools

Laboratorium Barwy PJWSTK

dr Włodzimierz Pastuszak

Konferencja naukowa - Zapis obrazu, obraz zapisu

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Balloon Tales | Comic Lettering and Production - przewodnik po tworzeniu komiksów

Comic Book Fonts and Custom Design - gotowe elementy do komiksów

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stock.xchng - baza darmowych fotografii

CG Textures - The worlds largest free texture site

Lost and Taken - design blog that focuses on giving away free, high-resolution textures

Lista 1

Lista 2

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Urban Fonts

The Font Thing

I Love Typography - Devoted to fonts, typefaces and all things typographical.

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Ikony - Free Icons Section - Free Icon Sets available in PNG, ICO and ICNS format

Free Icons Download - Icons,Free Icons,Stock Icons,Vista Icons,Desktop Icons

Icon Archive - 23,400+ free icons, buddy icons, xp icons, vista icons, desktop icons, aim icons

Fast Icon - Free stock icons

IconsPedia - PNG Icons and Icon Packs Download

Best Free Icons - Free Icons, Free Icons Download, Free Desktop Icons, Royalty Free icons

Downloadpedia - Free Icons and Buttons World - Free Icon Sets and Windows Vista Desktop Icons

Free Icons Web - Free Icons,Free Icons Download,Free Desktop Icons,Royalty Free icons

MaxPower - Free! Icons for your website or application

Technology Magazine - Free Icons and Buttons

FAM FAM FAM - darmowe ikony

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PS - pędzle do Photoshopa - Free Photoshop Brushes at Brusheezy! - Photoshop brushes, patterns, custom shapes, tutorials, styles, gradients - Photoshop Brushes: 150+ High Quality Free Photoshop

Free Photoshop Brushes Website - pędzle do Photoshopa - zbiór linków do pędzli do Photoshopa

Aplikacje - baza darmowych aplikacji

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100fps - What is Deinterlacing? Facts, solutions, examples.

DV Info Net Resources Index

The DV, DVCAM, & DVCPRO Formats - tech details, FAQ, and links.

Trapcode - visual effects and motion graphics software

The DV Rebel's Guide

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Pixel aspect ratio and frame aspect ratio

BBC - Commissioning - A Guide to Picture Size

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Celtx - tworzenie scenariuszy

Final Draft - tworzenie scenariuszy

Storyboard Artist and Quick - tworzenie storyboardów

Movies Magic's Scheduling - planowanie i budżet produkcji

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Animation World Network TV - Keeping your world animated

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CHI Polska (polski oddział ACM SIG CHI)

Koło Naukowe HCI PJWSTK

Strona prof. Marcina Sikorskiego

Alertbox: Jakob Nielsen's Newsletter on Web Usability

The Usability Professionals' Association

Usability News

Web Design References: Usability

Web Design References: Evaluation and Testing

Kurs usability

WebAudit Blog - Robert Drózd

UI Design: Marek Kasperski

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Kansei Engineering

European Kansei Engineering Group

Seminarium naukowe - Interfejs Użytkownika - Kansei w Praktyce

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Graficzne interfejsy użytkownika

GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery

Graphical User Interface gallery

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© Marcin Wichrowski