LAN Configuration

This chapter covers the following topics:

Networking choices

In order to configure TCP/IP you need some type of networking hardware. With QNX TCP/IP, your networking choices include:

General setup procedure

To configure your machine to be a client on an Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI network, follow these steps:

  1. Configure the network adapter as described in the QNX Installation & Configuration guide. This involves bringing up Net and Net.driver.
    Note: If Net isn't configured before Socket is started, then Socket won't be able to access the network.

  2. Bring up Socket. The only argument you must pass to Socket is a canonical name for the host. For example:

    Socket mymachine &

    Typically the string mymachine comes from the /etc/hosts file.

  3. Once Socket is running, configure your interfaces using the ifconfig command. For example:

    ifconfig en1
    ifconfig lo0 localhost

    In the above example, the identifier en1 refers to an Ethernet interface on logical LAN 1 in a QNX network.

    Note: For setups involving two QNX machines, it's easiest to configure QNX networking first.

Summary of interface IDs

The following table gives the QNX LAN interface IDs for the various hardware protocols supported:

For this protocol Use this interface:
Ethernet enx
FDDI fddix
PPP pppx
SLIP slx
Token Ring trx

The value of x is simply the logical LAN running the selected hardware (i.e. the argument of the -l option to the Net.driver or the index of the PPP or SLIP device). For more information, see Net.driver in the QNX OS Utilities Reference.