Serial Network Configuration

This chapter includes the configuration information for:

Setting up a SLIP serial link

There are two ways to connect to a SLIP server:

For both of these methods, we assume that Socket is started with the -s1 parameter. This creates the sl0 (first SLIP) device.

The sliplogin method

Compared to slattach, the sliplogin utility provides a more transparent method of setting up SLIP interfaces - it doesn't need to be told which specific device to use.

The sliplogin method is preferred, but to take advantage of it you must first specify correct information in your configuration files.

Let's look at an example. We'll assume the following files exist on your home and work machines.


#/etc/passwd -- home machine
Swork::102:100:Paul Slip:/home/pk:/etc/sliplogin

#/etc/passwd -- work machine
Shome::103:100:Paul Slip:/home/pk:/etc/sliplogin


# Host Database
127.1               localhost     sliphome     slipwork


# login  local-addr  remote-addr  mask           opt1     opt2

Swork    sliphome    slipwork  compress
Shome    slipwork    sliphome  compress

slip.login script

#!/bin/sh - This '/etc/slip.login' script is launched by
# sliplogin
# slipunit ttyspeed loginname local-addr remote-addr mask opt-args

/etc/ifconfig sl$1 $4 $5 netmask $6  
exit 0

To establish a SLIP connection from work to home:

  1. Dial up using qtalk, then log in as Swork:

    qtalk -m /dev/ser1
    login: Swork

    This login invokes /etc/sliplogin Swork (from the password file), which will configure the line (i.e. slattach ttyname baudrate) and invoke the shell script slip.login.

  2. Press Ctrl -A , then type x to exit qtalk without hanging up. If you do this, you'll need to make sure that -hupcl is set on the serial port. See stty in the QNX OS Utilities Reference for more information.
  3. Configure the local side. Assuming the above configuration, enter:

    sliplogin Shome </dev/ser1

If you want to talk to the network on the other side of a point-to-point link, see the sections on ``Routing'' and ``Debugging'' in the Basic Configuration chapter for more information.

The slattach method

To establish the SLIP connection between your machine and the server you could use slattach. This involves typing commands on both ends of the connection. In these examples, slipserv is the server and home is your machine - both are defined in the /etc/hosts file on both hosts. Note that instead of an alphanumeric name, you can use an IP address (e.g.

Assuming both hosts are using /dev/ser1 and the serial connection is established, enter these commands on the server:

/etc/slattach /dev/ser1 38400
/etc/ifconfig sl0 slipserv home up

On your machine, enter these commands:

/etc/slattach /dev/ser1 38400
/etc/ifconfig sl0 home slipserv up

You can easily establish a serial connection by using qtalk and exiting without hanging up the line. For details, see sliplogin in this manual or qtalk in the QNX OS Utilities Reference.

Note: To ensure that the line won't be hung up, use the stty utility to set the hupcl line control parameter off on both serial ports:

stty -hupcl

For more information, see stty in the QNX OS Utilities Reference.

Setting up a PPP serial link

PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) is a link-level protocol used to transport IP packets over point-to-point media (usually a serial/telephone line). PPP is more flexible and more popular than SLIP.

Setting up QNX PPP

To use PPP under QNX, you need to start the Socket manager with the -p option. You'll also need a serial device such as /dev/ser1 (which is typically managed by Dev.ser). And you'll need to start pppd with the appropriate configuration, which depends on what you're trying to accomplish and the security measures you want enforced.

PPP options and negotiations

PPP has a well-defined set of defaults, designed to work for various platforms. Although these defaults will always work, sometimes you'll want to stray from the defaults to increase performance or add security measures.

When a PPP link is initiated, each side of the link gets the opportunity to tell the other side of its capabilities and requirements, which are one way only. (For example, if server A tells client B it needs authentication, and client B agrees, then client B needs to authenticate itself to server A. But server A doesn't need to authenticate itself to client B.)

Either side has the opportunity to refuse the peer, and sometimes negotiations will fail. Depending on what option failed negotiation, the line might be dropped and the link terminated (usually this occurs only with authentication options or negotiating IP addresses).

To diagnose which option is causing the problem, run pppd with the debug option. The pppd daemon will send messages that usually indicate the point of failure to the syslogd daemon. Look for ``ConRej'' (configure reject) messages that contain the rejected option. Also look for ``TermReq'' (terminate request) messages to determine which side initiated the termination.

Here's an example from a logfile:

... pppd[6706]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1500> <auth upap> ...]
... pppd[6706]: rcvd [LCP ConfRej id=0x1 <auth upap>]

This shows that the local pppd wants to use PAP (upap) but the remote side refused.

Note that you can specify options on the pppd command line as well as in configuration files (/etc/ppp/options; ~/.ppprc).

Example PPP configurations

For these examples, we assume that:

You'll find four examples here, presented in order of complexity:

  1. NULL-modem configuration - basic configuration
  2. client configuration - connecting to an ISP
  3. server configuration - servicing clients
  4. authentication - using PAP/CHAP and a ``secrets'' file

Note that since PPP is commonly used to connect to an ISP, you may find Example #2 the most useful.

Example #1 - QNX-QNX via NULL-modem cable

The purpose of this example is to demonstrate some of the basic concepts of PPP while keeping the configuration simplified. In this example, we have two QNX nodes connected via a NULL-modem cable on /dev/ser1. Each node is running Socklet -p1, with hostnames of node1 ( and node2 ( Optional interface en1 has already been configured using /usr/ucb/ifconfig.

To make sure the two nodes are talking the same dialect, run the following on both nodes:

stty baud=115200 bits=8 stopb=1 par=none +raw < /dev/ser1

Now, on both nodes at the same time, run the following command:

/usr/ucb/pppd /dev/ser1

Wait a couple seconds for the link to be established.

At this point, run:

/usr/ucb/netstat -in

The output from node1 should look like this:

Name  Mtu   Network   Address     Ipkts  Ierrs  Opkts  Oerrs  Coll
en1   1500  <Link>                  699      0      1      0     0
en1   1500  10      699      0      1      0     0
ppp0  1500  <Link>                    4      0      6      0     0
ppp0  1500  10        4      0      6      0     0
lo0   1536  <Link>                   16      0     16      0     0
lo0   1536  127      16      0     16      0     0

Note that the ppp0 interface is now configured with the same IP address as the en1 interface. This is because neither side specified IP addresses to negotiate - each side chose the default, which is the IP address of the hostname specified on the Socket command line. In this example, Socket was started as:

/usr/ucb/Socket -p1 node1 &

where node1 is defined in /etc/hosts as: node1.

Note: Usually, the server side (the side that answers the phone) will negotiate both IP addresses of the PPP link.

Now, node1 will be able to ping using the PPP link.

Example #2 - QNX as a client

This example is useful in demonstrating how to connect to a typical ISP over a telephone line. We assume you're using a modem connected to /dev/ser1.

Before trying to connect to an ISP, you'll need the following information:

If you know your ISP is going to provide Domain Name Service (DNS) for you (it most likely will), put the supplied IP address in your /etc/resolv.conf file. For example, the contents of /etc/resolv.conf when the ISP IP = would be:


If you'll always be assigned the same IP address (most likely not), you could enter that in your /etc/hosts file and use the associated name to start up Socklet.

To connect to the ISP:

  1. Using the stty command, set up the /dev/ser1 device so that both ends are talking the same dialect. For example:
    /bin/stty baud=115200 bits=8 stopb=1 par=none -hupcl +raw < /dev/ser1
  2. Start up Socket with -p and the appropriate hostname. For example:
    /usr/ucb/Socket -p1 node1 &
  3. Phone the ISP using qtalk. Once connected, the ISP usually (but not always - each is different) offers a login prompt or some kind of menu to indicate what kind of service you want. This may be a regular login session, a SLIP session, or a PPP session.

    Once the ISP knows what service you want, quit qtalk using Ctrl -A to get to the menu and x to exit without dropping the line.

  4. Now simply run:
    /usr/ucb/pppd defaultroute /dev/ser1

    and wait a couple seconds for the link to be established. The defaultroute option tells pppd to set up a default route out the connection it establishes. See the ``Routing'' section in the Basic Configuration chapter for more information.

Using the netstat/ifconfig commands, you can find out what IP addresses were assigned to either end of the link. You should also be able to ping the remote end at this point.

Example #3 - QNX as a server

This example shows how to configure PPP to answer the phone and allow clients to make a connection. As the server, there's a lot more to consider when deciding which configuration is best for your situation. And such configuration requires a better understanding of the ``administration'' aspects of QNX.

We assume that you're familiar with:

The first step is to get your system to answer the phone line when it rings. This is usually done with the tinit and modem commands. For example:

tinit -c /bin/modem -T /dev/ser1 

By default, the modem process will start the login process. This will require the client to login successfully (adding a layer of authentication) before initiating the PPP link. Another benefit of the login procedure is that you can multiplex the phone line - it can service both regular login sessions as well as PPP sessions. All you need is to set up two user accounts:

For example, an /etc/passwd file might contain these two lines:

user1:x:315:300:User1 FullName:/home/user1:/bin/sh
pppuser1:x:415:300:User1 FullName:/home/user1:/usr/ucb/pppd

The client would login as user1 when he wanted a regular login session, or as pppuser1 when he wanted a PPP session.

The client would need to know the appropriate passwords (if any) that will usually suffice for authentication. However, if such a client will be granted access to confidential material, you might consider using an authentication protocol (see Example #4 below).

You don't have to run login when a client connects. You can have pppd start immediately by changing the default of the modem utility. For example:

tinit -c "/bin/modem -c /usr/ucb/pppd" -T /dev/ser1 

Either method will work as long as the client knows what he must do to initiate the PPP link.

The next issue to be considered is the matter of IP addresses. Usually the server is responsible for assigning the address of both ends of the PPP link. The reasoning behind this is that the client becomes part of the same network as the server. This will allow the client to use the server's name and routing services.

In assigning IP addresses, the server's local PPP address is almost always assigned the same address as its hostname's IP address. The address to be concerned about is the one assigned to the client's PPP interface. This address should be on the same IP network as that of the server's hostname's IP address.

For example, if the server accesses a router (or whatever to get Internet access) through interface en1 with IP address of, it should assign a remote PPP IP address (the client's local PPP IP address) belonging to IP network 198.34.5.

It's important to keep the client's IP address within the server's IP network because the server will typically need to become a proxy ARP server for the client. To clarify this, let's walk through a simple scenario:

  1. The client establishes a PPP link. Its local PPP IP address is and the server's en1 IP address is The IP address of the router that the server uses is
  2. The client runs the ping command, and the ping request goes out its PPP interface because the client has set up a default route through it.
  3. The server sees the ping request, determines it's destined for another host, and forwards it to the router.
  4. Eventually, the ping request reaches the destination and is replied to. When back tracking, the ping reply makes it back to the router.
  5. The router examines the reply destination and notices that it's on the same IP network as its interface. Because it's on the same IP network, the router assumes it has direct access to that address (i.e. no routing or forwarding should be necessary to reach that IP address). The router then issues an ARP request for IP address
  6. The server, acting as a proxy-server for the client, will respond to the ARP request specifying its own MAC address. This will cause the router to send the ping reply to the MAC address of the server, with a destination of The server will then see this packet (because it was sent to its MAC address) and forward it to the destination - the client's PPP IP address.

To act as a proxy-server for the client, the server simply specifies the proxyarp option to pppd. For example, the pppd command line for the above scenario would look like this:

/usr/ucb/pppd proxyarp /dev/ser1

Example #4 - Authentication

The QNX PPP supports two authentication protocols:

PAP is widely considered less secure than CHAP. PAP authenticates once at startup, whereas CHAP randomly ``challenges'' the peer for authentication as long as the link is up.

Both protocols are configured using a secrets file:

Both secrets files are of the same format, which specifies one entry per line, with each entry made of at least three fields:

This field: Indicates:
first the client (or authenticatee)
second the server (or authenticator)
third the secret

The rest of the line can be an optional list (comma-separated) of IP addresses. The client/server fields are used to scan for a secret, which will be compared against what the peer offers as its secret.

For example, here's an authentication entry shared by both pppclient and pppserver:

pppclient  pppserver  pppsecret

By default, when the authenticator scans the secrets file for a secret, it looks for a match between its hostname and an entry's second field. At the time of this scanning, the client's name is not known. If the secrets file is ambiguous (because it specifies several secrets for several clients), you may need to specify the remotename option to pppd. This will cause the scan to match both the client and server fields, ensuring the proper secret is selected.

For example, when pppserver scans its secrets file, it just looks for its hostname (pppserver) in the second field of each entry. If there are multiple entries with ``pppserver'' in the second field, you may need to pass the remotename option so the scan will also require a match of remotename (in this case ``pppclient'') in the first field.

The authenticatee scans the secrets file in the same manner as the authenticator, except that it matches its hostname with the first field of each entry, and the optional remotename option with the second field.

In both the client and server side, you can specify the ``other side'' using the remotename option. Likewise, you can specify the ``local side'' (which defaults to the hostname) by using the name option to pppd. This option is usually needed only when multiple users use the same host as client (or when using PAP with the login option).

By default, pppd won't require the peer to authenticate itself, but will be ready to authenticate itself to the peer (if it has access to secrets files). Using either (but you can't use both!) the +pap or +chap options to pppd will require the remote side to authenticate itself. Usually, only the server (the side that answers the phone) will ask for authentication, but under certain circumstances, you might want both the server and client to require the peer to authenticate itself. Furthermore, each side may use a different protocol - the server may require CHAP, while the client may require PAP.

Let's assume the server is called pppserver and the client is called pppclient and that only the server is requesting authentication. Both the server's and the client's secrets file will need to contain at least the following entry:

pppclient  pppserver  secret1

Both the server and client will scan the secrets file and will use the ``secret1'' secret.

If both the server and client request authentication, another entry (in the appropriate secrets file - remember one may request CHAP, the other may request PAP) will be needed to describe the other secret. For example:

pppserver  pppclient  secret2

Again, when dealing with multiple clients/servers, you may need to specify either the remotename or name option (or both) to pppd to get rid of any ambiguity when selecting the secret.

Note that you can request PAP authentication without having a secrets file by specifying the login option to pppd. With this option, the client name and secret represent a user account and password in the system password database. From the above example, a user account of pppclient with a password of secret1 must exist on the server side for authentication to succeed.

If a pap-secrets file exists when using the login option, a match must exist in the pap-secrets file before the system database is checked.

Note: Using the login option requires at least one side to keep a text-based user:passwd combination, which might be considered a security breach in itself!