Tutorials/Classes: Scoring system: 1) 2 written tests: total sum max at least 30 points 2) about 10 entry tests: 10 x 2 (max 20 points) 3) activity: max 10 points max: about 60 points Grade (from classes): score/10 rounded down to the closest grade (example: 42pts -> 4) and at least 10 points total from each of the two parts of the course. ad 2) an entry test (quiz) is on the beginning of the class, consists of about 2 simple questions concerning the previous lecture (e.g. definition of a concept, etc.), entry tests cannot be corrected ad 3) during the classes some tasks are given, students have some time for solving them individually and then can present the solution on the board. 1 point for each correct presented solution, 0.5 point for easy tasks or if there is a small mistake. *** Exam: Necessary to pass the classes to take the exam. Exam is not compulsory. Only students who wish to obtain grades higher than 3+ have to take the exam. Grades of 3 and 3+ from classes can be "transferred" to the exam grade.