
assembly command (WATCOM)


wasm [options] asm_file [options] [@env_var]


same as .8086
same as .186
same as .286 or .286p
same as .386 or .386p (also defines __386__, and changes the default USE attribute of segments from USE16 to USE32)
same as .486 or .486p (also defines __386__, and changes the default USE attribute of segments from USE16 to USE32)
same as .586 or .586p (also defines __386__, and changes the default USE attribute of segments from USE16 to USE32)
protect mode
defines __REGISTER__
defines __STACK__

For example,

    -2       -3p     -4pr     -5p
defines __os__, and checks the os_INCLUDE environment variable for include files
don't output OMF COMENT records that allow WDISASM to figure out when data bytes have been placed in a code segment
define text macro
line number debugging support
stop reading assembler source file at END directive. Normally, anything following the END directive will cause an error.
set error limit number
set error file name
set object file name
force file_name to be included
same as .no87
inline 80x87 instructions with emulation
inline 80x87 instructions
same as .8087
same as .287 or .287p
same as .387 or .387p
same as .587 or .587p
add directory to list of include directories
-j or -s
force signed types to be used for signed values
memory model: (Tiny, Small, Medium, Compact, Large, Huge, Flat)
Same as .model tiny
Same as .model small
Same as .model medium
Same as .model compact
Same as .model large
Same as .model huge
Same as .model flat

Each of the model directives defines __model__ (for example, .model small defines __SMALL__). They also affect whether something like foo proc is considered a far or near procedure.

set data segment name
set module name
set name of text segment
allow C form of octal constants
-zq or -q
operate quietly
-? or -h
print a help message
set the warning level number
treat all warnings as errors


This utility assembles the assembler source file asm_file. A default filename extension of .a is assumed when no extension is specified.

See also:

the Assembler chapter in the Watcom Compiler & Tools User's Guide