-Too much list it
-time flow
-day time changing
-music + playlist
-skills lvlup
-rebuilded and added new levels
-more interactivity
-more tricky key combination for "cheat mode" (to know it, you must finish the quest in home)
-droping of items
-better animation script for characters
-diffrent animations, depending on whom player picked
-another, and I hope the last one, depth swaping optimalization
-new world map effect
-enemys, no more take the stance of victory when fainted
-enemys are no more bulding up there turn when fight is loading
-minor bugs fixed
-code optimalization
VERSION : 0.476471
-Running from battle fixed
-Vending machines works again
-Enemys skills works
-Few minor bugs fixed
VERSION : 0.47647
-Few bug fixes
-New battle system
-New graphics in few places
VERSION : 0.47646
-Many new addons
-New maps
-New enemys
-Quest with light modified
-Prize for quest added
-few bug fixes here and there
VERSION : 0.476452
-HUD had been optimized - game should run faster on slower computers
-file with thierd charcter is from now on other server
-button to skip tutorial had been changed from ESCAPE to ENTER
VERSION : 0.476451
-few minor bugs fixed
-FPS counter added
VERSION : 0.47645
-New maps!
-New Enemys!
-Riddle! :)
-'Dark' Effect
-new functions added
-'Load' button in Options (main menu)
-many bugs fixed
VERSION : 0.476441
-Player character animation added
VERSION : 0.47644
-Tutorial map added at begining of the game
VERSION : 0.4764394
-Comboses works as they should
VERSION : 0.4764393
-New skill animation for thierd character
-New logo for thierd character
-From now on, characters will be loaded from other files
-Modified positioning system for charcters in fight
VERSION : 0.47643923
-Debug key "N" works again
VERSION : 0.47643922
-Some skilles effecting dead enemys/party members - fixed
VERSION : 0.47643921
-SMS interfering with shop - fixed
VERSION : 0.4764392
-New map
-Wold scrolling effect code optimized
-Code optimized for objects
-Redrawed world map
-few small bugs fixed
VERSION : 0.47643914
-Another modification to world scrolling effect
VERSION : 0.47643913
-Monsters AI fixed
VERSION : 0.47643912
-Save/Load modified to support new world map effect
-Player not showing up after fight - fixed
VERSION : 0.47643911
-Modification of worldmap effect
-Modification of monsters AI
-Modification of fade effect
-Modification of 'clearing' function (when rewinding or loading)
VERSION : 0.4764391
-World map!
-New Enemy!
-DepthCollector© Ver.3
-Somewhat a AI of (stronger)enemys added
-New background for battle
-Skill animation for new enemy
-Help, not showing up - fixed
-Save/Load works perfectly
-Save/Load doesnt work in battle
-code optimalization add other few new features
VERSION : 0.47643902
-Problem with keys - fixed
-Shop working again
VERSION : 0.47643901
-Save/Load works again
-Rewind option works like it should
VERSION : 0.476439
-World Map "Effect"!
-DepthCollector© Ver.2!
-MovieClip for whole HUD
-Warp modification
-Code optimized in some places
-Messages in shop
-Another fix to "Items" window
-Less effect of Dex on speed in battle
-Cheat mode key, now killes all enemys in battle
-Save/Load modification (I didnt test it...)
-Stats of skilles not showing in battle - fixed
-New debug key "B"
VERSION : 0.4764387
-Embed Fonts!
-Cheat mode!
-Cool, floating away numbers
-Changed colors in few places
-fixed problem with appiring items, when "Items" window was hidden
-few code modifications (eg. Time till next monster encounter, now beeing saved)
VERSION : 0.47643862
-More accure clicking on icons of potions
-"Status" and "Equpment" now not showing up when mouse is in upper part of the screen
-Character level in "Status" window
VERSION : 0.47643861
-Potions can be use off the battle, by clicking icons on hud
-Diffrent save file name, for less chance of confict
-Picked-up items not showing in "Items" menu - fixed
VERSION : 0.4764386
-Save/Load Option added!
-Preloader fixed!
-problem with Vending machines colision - fixed
-debug hitbox of map - now showing up again
VERSION : 0.47643852
-Changed name for Gray Cat on one of the maps
-Vending machines moved becouse of the problem with collison
VERSION : 0.47643851
-Fixed unlimited mana potions
-'Graying out' mana potions when player dont have any - fixed
-Better npc move handling
VERSION : 0.4764385
-DepthCollector© implamented (decrees chance of depth overflow)
-new maps
-new objects
-new enemy
-new icons on hud
-potions modified
-almost all of the skills modifications
-"SMS" optimazed
VERSION : 0.47643848
-Fixed no animation for 2nd combo skill of Sakaki
-Added new skill for 3rd charcter
-Added new stat for enemys : Defend (Now damage of enemys is = Damage-(Defend/10))
-a few code modificiation here and there (a sign of bigger changes)
VERSION : 0.47643847
-New skill for Osaka (Throw shoe)
-change in code - unlimited number of skills support
VERSION : 0.47643846
-yet another update to depths swaping
-a little modifications of lanterns
VERSION : 0.47643845
-swaping depth problem when going into a battle - fixed
-better swaping depth handling
-slower pointer movement in shop
-disappearing avatars on some computers
-some dialog windows not appearing - fixed
VERSION : 0.4764384
-modified code of "collision with objects". No more going through them, and there shouldnt be problems with stucking in them
-some bugs with disappiring character, and object swamping depths |