Z angielskiego na polskiZ angielskiego na polskiZ angielsko na polski


Well, well, about a year and new Kamineko version (probably last) comes out! All I can say is go check it out.
For me it is now time to seriously work on Kamineko2.
By the way, documentation is no longer developed - it is quite pointless as comments in Kamineko's source code are more clear and accrue.


It's been awfuly long, but I finally done an update of the site - new layout, I hope, will be more accessible and user-friendly.
If anyone is reading this news from the Flash version, please change to the new version through the kamineko.prv.pl

Befor the Kamineko2 project starts, I'll try to add a few updates to the classic Kamineko.
And I'm still looking for help - mostly animation and level design, but I'm open to the ideas.

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