
link command (WATCOM)


wlink {directive}



The wlink utility is used to link object files into an executable file. It uses the directives listed above, where

is a file specification for the name of an object file. If no file extension is specified, a file extension of .o is assumed.
is a file specification for the name of a library file. If library_file appears in a LIBRARY directive, and no file extension is specified, a file extension of .lib is assumed. If library_file appears in a FILE directive, and no file extension is specified, a file extension of .o is assumed.

When a library file is specified in a FILE directive, and obj_module is specified, the object module identified by obj_module is extracted from the library file and included in the executable file. If obj_module isn't specified (that is, only the library file is specified), all object modules in the library are included in the executable file.

is the name of an object module contained in a library file or object file.
is a file specification for the name of the executable file. No file extension is assumed.
is a path name.
is a message number.
is a file specification for the name of a linker directive file. If no file extension is specified, a file extension of .lnk is assumed.
is a file specification for the name of the map file. If no file extension is specified, a file extension of .map is assumed.
is a file specification for the name of the symbol file. If no file extension is specified, a file extension of .sym is assumed.
is the name of a symbol.
is the name of an alias symbol.
is the name of a system.
is any sequence of characters.
represents a value. The complete form of n is as follows:


d represents a decimal digit. If 0x is specified, the string of digits represents a hexadecimal number. If k is specified, the value is multiplied by 1024. If m is specified, the value is multiplied by 1024*1024.

See also:

the Linker chapter in the Watcom Compiler & Tools User's Guide