Appendix: C Diagnostic Messages

This appendix contains a list of all warning and error messages produced by the Watcom C compilers. Diagnostic messages are issued during compilation and execution.

The messages listed in the following sections contain references to %s, %d and %u. They represent strings that are substituted by the Watcom C compilers to make the error message more exact:

This appendix includes the following sections:


Consider the following program, named err.c, which contains errors:

#include <stdio.h>

void main()
    int i;
    float i;

    i = 383;
    x = 13143.0;
    printf( "Integer value is %d\n", i );
    printf( "Floating-point value is %f\n", x );

If we compile the above program, the following messages appear on the screen:

err.c(6): Error! E1034: Symbol 'i' already defined
err.c(9): Error! E1011: Symbol 'x' has not been declared
err.c: 12 lines, included 191, 0 warnings, 2 errors

The diagnostic messages consist of the following information:

In the above example, the first error occurred on line 6 of the file err.c. Error number 1034 (with the appropriate substitutions) was diagnosed. The second error occurred on line 9 of the file err.c. Error number 1011 (with the appropriate substitutions) was diagnosed.

The following sections contain a complete list of the messages. Runtime messages (that is, messages displayed during execution) don't have message numbers associated with them.

Warning level 1 messages

Use this table to find a message quickly:

W100-W109 W110-W119 W120-W129
W100 Parameter %d contains inconsistent levels of indirection
The function is expecting something like char **, and it's being passed a char *, for instance.
W101 Non-portable pointer conversion
This message is issued whenever you convert a non-zero constant to a pointer.
W102 Type mismatch (warning)
This message is issued for a function return value or an assignment where both types are pointers, but they're pointers to different kinds of objects.
W103 Parameter count does not agree with previous definition (warning)
You have either not enough parameters or too many parameters in a call to a function. If the function is supposed to have a variable number of parameters, then you can ignore this warning, or you can change the function declaration and prototypes to use the ,... to indicate that the function indeed takes a variable number of parameters.
W104 Inconsistent levels of indirection
This occurs in an assignment or return statement when one of the operands has more levels of indirection than the other operand. For example, a char ** is being assigned to a char *.

Solution: Correct the levels of indirection or use a void *.

W105 Assignment found in boolean expression
An assignment of a constant has been detected in a boolean expression. For example, if( var = 0 ). It's most likely that you want to use == for testing for equality.
W106 Constant out of range - truncated
This message is issued if a constant can't be represented in 32 bits, or if a constant is outside the range of valid values that can be assigned to a variable.
W107 Missing return value for function '%s'
A function has been declared with a function return type, but no return statement was found in the function. Either add a return statement, or change the function return type to void.
W108 Duplicate typedef already defined
A duplicate typedef isn't allowed in ANSI C. This warning is issued when compiling with extensions enabled. You should delete the duplicate typedef definition.
W110 'fortran' pragma not defined
You have used the fortran keyword in your program, but haven't defined a #pragma for fortran.
W111 Meaningless use of an expression
The line contains an expression that does nothing useful. In the example i = (1,5);, the expression 1, is meaningless.
W112 Pointer truncated
A far pointer is being passed to a function that is expecting a near pointer, or a far pointer is being assigned to a near pointer.
W113 Pointer type mismatch
You have two pointers that either point to different objects, or the pointers are of different size, or they have different modifiers.
W114 Missing semicolon
You're missing the semicolon (;) on the field definition just before the right curly brace (}).
W115 &array may not produce intended result
The type of the expression &array is different from the type of the expression array.

Suppose we have the declaration char buffer[80];. Then the expression (&buffer + 3) is evaluated as (buffer + 3 * sizeof(buffer)), which is (buffer + 3 * 80), and not (buffer + 3 * 1), which is what most people expect to happen. The address of operator & isn't required for getting the address of an array.

W116 Attempt to return address of auto variable
This warning usually indicates a serious programming error. When a function exits, the storage allocated on the stack for auto variables is released. This storage will be overwritten by further function calls and/or hardware interrupt service routines. Therefore, the data pointed to by the return value may be destroyed before your program has a chance to reference it or make a copy of it.
W117 '##' tokens did not generate a single token (rest discarded)
When two tokens are pasted together using the concatenation operator (##), they must form a string that can be parsed as a single token.
W118 Label '%s' has been defined but not referenced
You have defined a label that isn't referenced in a goto statement. It's possible that you're missing the case keyword when using an enumerated type name as a case in a switch statement. If not, then the label can be deleted.
W119 Address of static function '%s' has been taken
This warning may indicate a potential problem when the program is overlaid.
W120 Using result of a cast operator as an lvalue is not standard C
A cast operation doesn't yield an lvalue in ANSI standard C. However, to provide compatibility with code written prior to the availability of ANSI standard C compilers, if an expression was an lvalue prior to the cast operation, and the cast operation doesn't cause any conversions, the compiler treats the result as an lvalue and issues this warning.
W121 Text following pre-processor directives is not standard C
Arbitrary text isn't allowed following a pre-processor directive. Only comments are allowed following a pre-processor directive.
W122 Literal string too long for array - truncated
The supplied literal string contains more characters than the specified dimension of the array. Either shorten the literal string, or increase the dimension of the array to hold all of the characters from the literal string.
W123 '//' style comment continues on next line
The compiler has detected a line continuation during the processing of a C++ style comment (//...). The warning can be removed by switching to a C style comment (/* ... */). If you require the comment to be terminated at the end of the line, make sure that the backslash character isn't the last character in the line.

For example,

    #define XX 23 // comment start \
    comment \

    int x = XX; // comment start ...\
    comment end
W124 Comparison result always %d
The comparison is always true or always false. For example, comparing an unsigned expression to see if it's >= 0 is always true; checking to see if it's < 0 is always false. Check to see if the expression should be signed instead of unsigned.
W126 Const must be zero
Zero is the only integer constant that you can assign to a pointer or compare with a pointer. You can use typecasting to remove the warning.

Warning level 2 messages

W200 '%s' has been referenced but never assigned a value
You have used the variable in an expression without previously assigning a value to that variable.
W201 Unreachable code
The statement will never be executed, because there's no path through the program that causes control to reach this statement.
W202 Symbol '%s' has been defined, but not referenced
There are no references to the declared variable; its declaration can be deleted. If the variable is a parameter to a function, all calls to the function must also have the value for that parameter deleted.

In some cases, there may be a valid reason for retaining the variable. You can prevent the message from being issued through use of #pragma off(unreferenced).

W203 Preprocessing symbol '%s' has not been declared
The symbol has been used in a preprocessor expression. The compiler assumes the symbol has a value of 0 and continues. A #define may be required for the symbol, or you may have forgotten to include the file that contains a #define for the symbol.

Warning level 3 messages

W300 Nested comment found in comment started on line %u
While scanning a comment for its end, the compiler detected /* for the start of another comment. Nested comments aren't allowed in ANSI C. You may be missing the */ for the previous comment.
W301 No prototype found for '%s'
A reference for a function appears in your program, but you don't have a prototype for that function defined.
W302 Expression is only useful for its side effects
You have an expression that would have generated the warning ``Meaningless use of an expression'', except that it also contains a side-effect, such as ++, --, or a function call.
W303 Parameter '%s' has been defined, but not referenced
There are no references to the declared parameter; its declaration can be deleted. All calls to the function must also have the value for that parameter deleted. In some cases, there may be a valid reason for retaining the parameter.
Note: This message is disabled by default. You can enable it in two ways:
  1. by using the enable_message pragma, described in the section ``The ENABLE_MESSAGE Pragma'' of the following chapters:
  2. by using the wce compiler option

Error messages

Use this table to find a message quickly:

E1000-E1009 E1010-E1019 E1020-E1029 E1030-E1039
E1040-E1049 E1050-E1059 E1060-E1069 E1070-E1079
E1080-E1089 E1090-E1099 E1100-E1109 E1110-E1119
E1120-E1129 E1130-E1139 E1140-E1149 E1150-E1159
E1160-E1169 E1170-E1179
E1000 BREAK must appear in while, do, for or switch statement
A break statement has been found in an illegal place in the program. You may be missing an opening brace ({) for a while, do, for or switch statement.
E1001 CASE must appear in switch statement
A case label has been found that isn't inside a switch statement.
E1002 CONTINUE must appear in while, do or for statement
The continue statement must be inside a while, do or for statement. You may have too many right braces (}) between the while, do or for statement and the continue statement.
E1003 DEFAULT must appear in switch statement
A default label has been found that isn't inside a switch statement. You may have too many right braces (}) between the start of the switch and the default label.
E1004 Misplaced '}' or missing earlier '{'
An extra right brace (}) has been found that can't be matched up with an earlier left brace ({).
E1005 Misplaced #elif directive
The #elif directive must be inside an #if preprocessing group and before the #else directive, if present.
E1006 Misplaced #else directive
The #else directive must be inside an #if preprocessing group and follow all #elif directives, if present.
E1007 Misplaced #endif directive
A #endif preprocessing directive has been found without a matching #if directive. You either have an extra #endif or you're missing an #if directive earlier in the file.
E1008 Only 1 DEFAULT per switch allowed
You can't have more than one default label in a switch statement.
E1009 Expecting '%s' but found '%s'
A syntax error has been detected. The tokens displayed in the message should help you to determine the problem.
E1010 Type mismatch
For pointer subtraction, both pointers must point to the same type. For other operators, both expressions must be assignment-compatible.
E1011 Symbol '%s' has not been declared
The compiler has found a symbol that hasn't been previously declared. The symbol may be spelled differently than the declaration, or you may need to #include a header file that contains the declaration.
E1012 Expression is not a function
The compiler has found an expression that looks like a function call, but it isn't defined as a function.
E1013 Constant variable cannot be modified
An expression or statement has been found that modifies a variable that has been declared with the const keyword.
E1014 Left operand must be an 'lvalue'
The operand on the left side of an equal sign (=) must be a variable or memory location that can have a value assigned to it.
E1015 '%s' is already defined as a variable
You're trying to declare a function with the same name as a previously declared variable.
E1016 Expecting identifier
The token following -> and . operators must be the name of an identifier that appears in the struct or union identified by the operand preceding the -> and . operators.
E1017 Label '%s' already defined
All labels within a function must be unique.
E1018 Label '%s' not defined in function
A goto statement has referenced a label that isn't defined in the function. Add the necessary label, or check the spelling of the label(s) in the function.
E1019 Tag '%s' already defined
All struct, union and enum tag names must be unique.
E1020 Dimension cannot be 0 or negative
The dimension of an array must be positive and non-zero.
E1021 Dimensions of multi-dimension array must be specified
All dimensions of a multiple dimension array must be specified. The only exception is the first dimension, which can declared as [ ].
E1022 Missing or misspelled data type near '%s'
The compiler has found an identifier that isn't a predefined type or the name of a typedef. Check the identifier for a spelling mistake.
E1023 Storage class of parameter must be register or unspecified
The only storage class allowed for a parameter declaration is register.
E1024 Declared symbol '%s' is not in parameter list
Make sure that all the identifiers in the parameter list match those provided in the declarations between the start of the function and the opening brace ({).
E1025 Parameter '%s' already declared
A declaration for the specified parameter has already been processed.
E1026 Invalid declarator
A syntax error has occurred while parsing a declaration.
E1027 Invalid storage class for function
If a storage class is given for a function, it must be static or extern.
E1028 Variable '%s' cannot be void
You can't declare a void variable.
E1029 Expression must be 'pointer to ...'
An attempt has been made to de-reference (*) a variable or expression that isn't declared to be a pointer.
E1030 Cannot take the address of an rvalue
You can only take the address of a variable or memory location.
E1031 Name '%s' not found in struct/union %s
The specified identifier isn't one of the fields declared in the struct or union. Check that the field name is spelled correctly, or that you're pointing to the correct struct or union.
E1032 Expression for '.' must be a 'structure' or 'union'
The compiler has encountered the pattern expression.field_name, where the expression isn't a struct or union type.
E1033 Expression for '->' must be 'pointer to struct or union'
The compiler has encountered the pattern expression->field_name, where the expression isn't a pointer to struct or union type.
E1034 Symbol '%s' already defined
The specified symbol has already been defined.
E1035 static function '%s' has not been defined
A prototype has been found for a static function, but a definition for the static function hasn't been found in the file.
E1036 Right operand of '%s' is a pointer
The right operand of += and -= can't be a pointer. The right operand of - can't be a pointer, unless the left operand is also a pointer.
E1037 Type cast must be a scalar type
You can't type cast an expression to be a struct, union, array or function.
E1038 Expecting label for goto statement
The goto statement requires the name of a label.
E1039 Duplicate case value '%s' found
Every case value in a switch statement must be unique.
E1040 Field width too large
The maximum field width allowed is 16 bits.
E1041 Field width of 0 with symbol not allowed
A bit field must be at least one bit in size.
E1042 Field width must be positive
You can't have a negative field width.
E1043 Invalid type specified for bit field
The types allowed for bit fields are signed and unsigned varieties of char, short and int.
E1044 Variable '%s' has incomplete type
A full definition of a struct or union hasn't been given.
E1045 Subscript on non-array
One of the operands of the subscript operator ([ ]) must be an array.
E1046 Incomplete comment
The compiler didn't find */ to mark the end of a comment.
E1047 Argument for # must be a macro parm
The argument for the string-conversion operator # must be a macro parameter.
E1048 Unknown preprocessing directive '#%s'
An unrecognized preprocessing directive has been encountered. Check the spelling.
E1049 Invalid #include directive
A syntax error has been encountered in a #include directive.
E1050 Not enough parameters given for macro '%s'
You haven't supplied enough parameters to the specified macro.
E1051 Not expecting a return value for function '%s'
The specified function is declared as a void function. Delete the return statement, or change the type of the function.
E1052 Expression has void type
You tried to use the value of a void expression inside another expression.
E1053 Cannot take the address of a bit field
The smallest addressable unit is a byte. You can't take the address of a bit field.
E1054 Expression must be constant
The compiler expects a constant expression. This message can occur during static initialization if you're trying to initialize a non-pointer type with an address expression.
E1055 Unable to open '%s'
The file specified in an #include directive couldn't be located. Make sure that the file name is spelled correctly, or that the appropriate path for the file is included in the list of paths specified in the INCLUDE environment variable or the i= option on the command line.
E1056 Too many parameters given for macro '%s'
You have supplied too many parameters for the specified macro.
E1057 Modifiers disagree with previous definition of '%s'
You have more than one definition or prototype for the variable or function that have different type modifiers.
E1058 Cannot use typedef '%s' as a variable
The name of a typedef has been found when an operand or operator is expected. If you're trying to use a type cast, make sure there are parentheses around the type, otherwise check for a spelling mistake.
E1059 Invalid storage class for non-local variable
A variable with module scope can't be defined with the storage class of auto or register.
E1060 Invalid type
An invalid combination of the following keywords has been specified in a type declaration:
  • const
  • volatile
  • signed
  • unsigned
  • char
  • int
  • short
  • long
  • float
  • double
E1061 Expecting data or function declaration, but found '%s'
The compiler is expecting the start of a data or function declaration. If you're only part way through a function, then you have too many closing braces (}).
E1062 Inconsistent return type for function '%s'
Two prototypes for the same function disagree.
E1063 Missing operand
An operand is required in the expression being parsed.
E1064 Out of memory
The compiler has run out of memory to store information about the file being compiled. Try reducing the number of data declarations and/or the size of the file being compiled. Don't #include header files that aren't required.

For the 16-bit WATCOM C compiler, the -d2 option causes the compiler to use more memory. Try compiling with the d1 option instead.

E1065 Invalid character constant
This message is issued for an improperly formed character constant.
E1066 Cannot perform operation with pointer to void
You can't use a ``pointer to void'' with the operators +, -, ++, --, += and -=.
E1067 Cannot take address of variable with storage class 'register'
If you want to take the address of a local variable, change the storage class from register to auto.
E1068 Variable '%s' already initialized
The specified variable has already been statically initialized.
E1069 Ending " missing for string literal
The compiler didn't find a second double quote to end the string literal.
E1070 Data for aggregate type must be enclosed in curly braces
When an array, struct or union is statically initialized, the data must be enclosed in curly braces ({}).
E1071 Type of parameter %d does not agree with previous definition
The type of the specified parameter is incompatible with the prototype for that function. The following example illustrates a problem that can arise when the sequence of declarations is in the wrong order:

    /* Uncommenting the following line will
       eliminate the error */
    /* struct foo; */
    void fn1( struct foo * );

    struct foo {
        int     a,b;

    void fn1( struct foo *bar )
        fn2( bar );

The problem can be corrected by reordering the sequence in which items are declared (by moving the description of the structure foo ahead of its first reference, or by adding the indicated statement). This will assure that the first instance of structure foo is defined at the proper outer scope.

E1072 Storage class disagrees with previous definition of '%s'
The previous definition of the specified variable has a storage class of static. The current definition must have a storage class of static or extern.
E1073 Invalid option '%s'
The specified option isn't recognized by the compiler.
E1074 Invalid optimization option '%s'
The specified option is an unrecognized optimization option.
E1075 Invalid memory model '%s'
The memory model option must be one of the following:
Small memory model
Medium memory model
Compact memory model
Large memory model
Huge memory model
Flat memory model
E1076 Missing semicolon at end of declaration
You're missing a semicolon (;) on the declaration just before the left curly brace ({).
E1077 Missing '}'
The compiler detected the end of the file before finding a right curly brace (}) to end the current function.
E1078 Invalid type for switch expression
The type of a switch expression must be integral.
E1079 Expression must be integral
An integral expression is required.
E1080 Expression must be arithmetic
Both operands of the *, / and % operators must be arithmetic. The operand of the unary minus must also be arithmetic.
E1081 Expression must be scalar type
A scalar expression is required.
E1082 Statement required after label
The C language definition requires a statement following a label. You can use a null statement that consists of just a semicolon (;).
E1083 Statement required after 'do'
A statement is required between the do and while keywords.
E1084 Statement required after 'case'
The C language definition requires a statement following a case label. You can use a null statement that consists of just a semicolon (;).
E1085 Statement required after 'default'
The C language definition requires a statement following a default label. You can use a null statement that consists of just a semicolon (;).
E1086 Expression too complicated, split it up and try again
The expression contains too many levels of nested parentheses. Divide the expression up into two or more sub-expressions.
E1087 Missing matching #endif directive
You're missing a #endif to terminate a #if, #ifdef or #ifndef preprocessing directive.
E1088 Invalid macro definition, missing )
The right parenthesis ()) is required for a function-like macro definition.
E1089 Missing ) for expansion of '%s' macro
The compiler encountered end-of-file while collecting up the argument for a function-like macro. A right parenthesis ()) is required to mark the end of the argument(s) for a function-like macro.
E1090 Invalid conversion
A struct or union can't be converted to anything. A float or double can't be converted to a pointer, and a pointer can't be converted to a float or double.
E1091 %s
This is a user message generated with the #error preprocessing directive.
E1092 Cannot define an array of functions
You can have an array of pointers to functions, but not an array of functions.
E1093 Function cannot return an array
A function can't return an array. You can return a pointer to an array.
E1094 Function cannot return a function
You can't return a function. You can return a pointer to a function.
E1095 Cannot take address of local variable in static initialization
You can't take the address of an auto variable at compile time.
E1096 Inconsistent use of return statements
The compiler has found
  • a return statement that returns a value
  • a return statement that doesn't return a value

both in the same function. The return statement that doesn't return a value needs to have a value specified to be consistent with the other return statement in the function.

E1097 Missing ? or misplaced :
The compiler has detected a syntax error related to the conditional operators (? and :). You may need parentheses around the expressions involved so that the entire expression can be parsed correctly.
E1098 Maximum struct or union size is 64K
The size of a struct or union is limited to 64K, so that the compiler can represent the offset of a member in a 16-bit register.
E1099 Statement must be inside function. Probable cause: missing {
The compiler has detected a statement, such as for, while and switch that must be inside a function. You either have too many closing braces (}), or you're missing an opening brace ({) earlier in the function.
E1100 Definition of macro '%s' not identical to previous definition
If a macro is defined more than once, the definitions must be identical. If you want to redefine a macro to have a different definition, you must #undef it before you can define it with a new definition.
E1101 Cannot #undef __LINE__, __FILE__, __DATE__, __TIME__, __STDC__ or 'defined'
The special macros
  • __LINE__
  • __FILE__
  • __DATE__
  • __TIME__
  • __STDC__

and the identifier defined can't be deleted by the #undef directive.

E1102 Cannot #define the name 'defined'
You can't define a macro called defined.
E1103 ## must not be at start or end of replacement tokens
There must be a token on each side of the token-pasting operator (##).
E1104 Type cast not allowed in #if or #elif expression
A type cast isn't allowed in a preprocessor expression.
E1105 'sizeof' not allowed in #if or #elif expression
The sizeof operator isn't allowed in a preprocessor expression.
E1106 Cannot compare a struct or union
A struct or union can't be compared with == or !=. You must compare each member of a struct or union to determine equality or inequality. If the struct or union is packed (that is, it has no holes in it for alignment purposes) then you can compare two structs using the memcmp() function.
E1107 Enumerator list cannot be empty
You must have at least one identifier in an enum list.
E1108 Invalid floating-point constant
The exponent part of the floating-point constant isn't formed correctly.
E1109 Cannot take sizeof a bit field
The smallest object that you can ask for the size of is a char.
E1110 Cannot initialize variable with storage class of extern
A storage class of extern is used to associate the variable with its actual definition somewhere else in the program.
E1111 Invalid storage class for parameter
The only storage class allowed for a parameter is register.
E1112 Initializer list cannot be empty
An initializer list must have at least one item specified.
E1113 Expression has incomplete type
An attempt has been made to access a struct or union whose definition isn't known, or an array whose dimensions aren't known.
E1114 Struct or union cannot contain itself
You can't have a struct or union contain itself. You can have a pointer in the struct that points to an instance of itself. Check for a missing asterisk (*) in the declaration.
E1115 Incomplete enum declaration
The enumeration tag hasn't been previously defined.
E1116 An id list not allowed except for function definition
A function prototype must contain type information.
E1117 Must use 'va_start' macro inside function with variable parameters
The va_start() macro is used to set up access to the parameters in a function that takes a variable number of parameters. A function is defined with a variable number of parameters by declaring the last parameter in the function as ``...''.
E1118 ***FATAL*** %s
A fatal error has been detected during code generation time. The type of error is displayed in the message.
E1119 Internal compiler error %d
A bug has been encountered in the WATCOM C compiler. Please report the specified internal compiler error number and any other helpful details about the program being compiled to QNX Software Systems Ltd., so that we can fix the problem.
E1120 Parameter number %d - invalid register in #pragma
The designated registers can't hold the value for the parameter.
E1121 Procedure '%s' has invalid return register in #pragma
The size of the return register doesn't match the size of the result returned by the function.
E1122 Illegal register modified by '%s' #pragma
For the 16-bit WATCOM C compiler:
  • the BP, CS, DS, and SS registers can't be modified in small data models
  • the BP, CS, and SS registers can't be modified in large data models

For the 32-bit WATCOM C compiler:

  • the EBP, CS, DS, ES, and SS registers can't be modified in flat memory models
  • the EBP, CS, DS, and SS registers can't be modified in small data models
  • the EBP, CS, and SS registers can't be modified in large data models
E1123 File must contain at least one external definition
Every file must contain at least one global object (either a data variable or a function). This message is only issued in strict ANSI mode (-za).
E1124 Out of macro space
The compiler ran out of memory for storing macro definitions.
E1125 Keyboard interrupt detected
The compile has been aborted with Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break.
E1126 Array, struct or union cannot be placed in a register
Only scalar objects can be specified with the register class.
E1127 Type required in parameter list
If the first parameter in a function definition or prototype is defined with a type, then all of the parameters must have a type specified.
E1128 Enum constant too large
All of the constants must fit in either an int or unsigned.
E1129 Type doesn't agree with previous definition of '%s'
You have more than one definition of a variable or function, and they don't agree.
E1130 Duplicate name '%s' not allowed in struct or union
All the field names in a struct or union must be unique.
E1131 Duplicate macro parameter '%s'
The parameters specified in a macro definition must be unique.
E1132 Unable to open work file: error code = %d
The compiler tries to open a new work file by the name __wrkN__.tmp, where N is a digit in the range 0 through 9. This message is issued if all of those files already exist.
E1133 Write error on work file: error code = %d
An error was encountered trying to write information to the work file. The disk could be full.
E1134 Read error on work file: error code = %d
An error was encountered trying to read information from the work file.
E1135 Seek error on work file: error code = %d
An error was encountered trying to seek to a position in the work file.
E1136 Token too long - truncated
The token must be less than 510 bytes in length.
E1137 Out of enum space
The compiler has run out of space allocated to store information on all of the enum constants defined in your program.
E1138 Filename required on command line
The name of a file to be compiled must be specified on the command line.
E1139 Command line contains more than one file to compile
You have more than one file name specified on the command line to be compiled. The compiler can only compile one file at a time. You can use the cc utility to compile multiple files with a single command.
E1140 _leave must appear in a _try statement
The _leave keyword must be inside a _try statement. The _leave keyword causes the program to jump to the start of the _finally block.
E1141 Expecting end of line but found '%s'
A syntax error has been detected. The token displayed in the message should help you determine the problem.
E1142 Too many bytes specified in #pragma
There's an internal limit on the number of bytes for in-line code that can be specified with a pragma. Try splitting the function into two or more smaller functions.
E1143 Cannot resolve linkage conventions for routine '%s' #pragma
The compiler can't generate correct code for the specified routine because of register conflicts. Change the registers used by the parameters of the pragma.
E1144 Symbol '%s' in pragma must be global
The in-line code for a pragma can only reference a global variable or function. You can only reference a parameter or local variable by passing it as a parameter to the in-line code pragma.
E1145 Internal compiler limit exceeded, break module into smaller pieces
The compiler can handle 65535 quadruples, 65535 leaves, and 65535 symbol table entries and literal strings. If you exceed one of these limits, you must break the program into smaller pieces so the compiler can process it.
E1146 Invalid initializer for integer data type
Integer data types (int and long) can be initialized with numeric expressions or address expressions that are the same size as the integer data type being initialized.
E1147 Too many errors: compilation aborted
The compiler stops compiling when the number of errors generated exceeds the error limit. The error limit can be set with the e option. The default error limit is 20.
E1148 Expecting identifier but found '%s'
A syntax error has been detected. The token displayed in the message should help you determine the problem.
E1149 Expecting constant but found '%s'
The #line directive must be followed by a constant indicating the desired line number.
E1150 Expecting "filename" but found '%s'
The second argument of the #line directive must be a filename, enclosed in quotes.
E1151 Parameter count does not agree with previous definition
You have either not enough parameters or too many parameters in a call to a function. If the function is supposed to have a variable number of parameters, then you're missing the , ... in the function prototype.
E1152 Segment name required
A segment name must be supplied in the form of a literal string to the __segname() directive.
E1153 Invalid __based declaration
The compiler couldn't recognize one of the allowable forms of __based declarations. See the WATCOM C Language Reference for description of all the allowable forms of __based declarations.
E1154 Variable for __based declaration must be of type __segment
A based pointer declaration must be based on a simple variable of type __segment.
E1155 Duplicate external symbol %s
Duplicate external symbols exist when the specified symbol name is truncated to 8 characters.
E1156 Assembler error: '%s'
An error has been detected by the in-line assembler. The message indicates the error detected.
E1157 Variable must be 'huge'
A variable or an array that requires more than 64K of storage in the 16-bit compiler must be declared as huge.
E1158 Too many parm sets
Too many parameter register sets have been specified in the pragma.
E1159 I/O error reading '%s': %s
An I/O error has been detected by the compiler while reading the source file. The system-dependent reason is also displayed in the message.
E1160 Attempt to access far memory with all segment registers disabled in '%s'
The compiler doesn't have any segment registers available to access the desired far memory location.
E1161 No identifier provided for /D option
The command-line option d must be followed by the name of the macro to be defined.
E1162 Invalid register pegged to a segment in '%s'
The register specified in a #pragma data_seg, or a __segname expression must be a valid segment register.
E1163 Invalid octal constant
An octal constant can't contain the digits 8 or 9.
E1164 Invalid hexadecimal constant
The token sequence 0x must be followed by a hexadecimal character (0-9, a-f, or A-F).
E1165 Unexpected ')'. Probable cause: missing '('
A closing parenthesis was found in an expression without a corresponding opening parenthesis.
E1166 Symbol '%s' is unreachable from #pragma
The in-line assembler found a jump instruction to a label that's too far away.
E1167 Division or remainder by zero in a constant expression
The compiler found a constant expression containing a division or remainder by zero.
E1168 Cannot end string literal with backslash
The argument to a macro that uses the string-conversion operator # on that argument must not end in a backslash character.

For example,

    #define str(x) #x
E1169 Invalid __declspec declaration
The only valid __declspec declarations are:
  • __declspec(dllexport)
  • __declspec(dllimport)
E1170 Too many storage class specifiers
You can only specify one storage class specifier in a declaration.
E1171 Expecting '%s' but found end of file
A syntax error has been detected. The compiler was still expecting more input when it reached the end of the source program.
E1172 Expecting struct/union tag but found '%s'
The compiler expected to find an identifier following the struct or union keyword.
E1173 Operand of __builtin_isfloat() must be a type
The __builtin_isfloat() function is used by the va_arg() macro to determine if a type is a floating-point type.

Informational messages

I2000 Not enough memory to fully optimize procedure '%s'
The compiler didn't have enough memory to fully optimize the specified procedure. The code generated will still be correct and execute properly. This message is purely informational.
I2001 Not enough memory to maintain full peephole
This message is similar to message I2000. Certain optimizations benefit from being able to store the entire module in memory during optimization. All functions are individually optimized but the optimizer isn't able to share code between functions if this message appears. The code generated is still correct and will execute properly.

This message is purely informational. It's only printed if the warning level is greater than or equal to 4.

Note: The main reason for this message is for those people who are concerned about reproducing the exact same object code when the same source file is compiled on a different machine. You may not be able to reproduce the exact same object code from one compile to the next unless the available memory is exactly the same.