

get information about a node


#include <sys/osinfo.h>
int qnx_osinfo( nid_t nid, 
                struct _osinfo *osdata );


The qnx_osinfo() function returns information about node nid, and places the information in buffer osdata. If nid is zero, information about the local node is returned. The _osinfo structure contains at least the following members:

short unsigned cpu_speed
A PC is around 96.
short unsigned num_procs
Max number of processes.
short unsigned tick_size
Tick size, in microsecond units.
short unsigned version
Version number of QNX * 100.
short unsigned timesel
Segment in which the time is kept.
short unsigned totmemk
Total memory in the system.
short unsigned freememk
Free memory in the system.
char release
Release letter.
long sflags
System flags, as defined below.
long nodename
Logical node number of this cpu.
long cpu
Processor type 386, 486, 586, 686, ...
long fpu
Floating-point unit 287, 387, 487. 587, 687.
char machine[16]
Machine name.
char bootsrc
'F' - floppy 'H' - hard disk 'N' - network
short unsigned num_names
Maximum number of names.
short unsigned num_timers
Maximum number of timers.
short unsigned num_sessions
Maximum number of sessions.
short unsigned num_handlers
Maximum number of interrupt handlers.
short unsigned reserve64k
Relocation offset (see -R option to Proc).
short unsigned max_nodes
Number of nodes you are licensed for.
short unsigned num_fds[3]
Number of file descriptors (see -f option to Proc).
short unsigned pidmask
Process ID bit mask (to determine cyclic and indexing portions of pid).

Note: For QNX4.0, the pidmask was zero. If your code uses the pidmask, you should have the following test to ensure your program will work on QNX4.0 as well as later versions of QNX:
if (pidmask == 0)  pidmask = 0x00ff;

At least the following flag bits are defined in <sys/osinfo.h>:

Running in protected mode.
An 80x87 is installed.
An 80x87 emulator is running.
The 16-bit 80x87 emulator is running.
The 32-bit 80x87 emulator is running.
Advanced Power Management is installed.
The 32-bit kernel is being used.
A PCI BIOS is present.
Proc32 is running.
Lower 640K reserved for DOS.


An error occurred. errno is set to indicate the error.


The qnx_osinfo() function may return any of the errors for qnx_vc_attach().


#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/osinfo.h>

struct _osinfo osdata;

void main()
    if( qnx_osinfo( 0, &osdata ) != -1 )
      printf( "Cpu speed is %d\n", osdata.cpu_speed );



Interrupt handler No
Signal handler Yes, but modifies errno
Thread Yes

See also:

errno, qnx_osstat(), qnx_psinfo()
