
query for a tree of information about a network entity


snmpbulkwalk [-d] [-p port] -v 1 host community 

snmpbulkwalk [-d] [-p port] [-v 2] host noAuth 

snmpbulkwalk [-d] [-p port] [-v 2] host srcparty 
             dstparty context [variable_name]


Dump input and output packets.
-p port
Specify the destination port number.
-v 1|2
SNMP version (default is 2).
The community name for the transaction with the remote system.
The collection of object resources that can be queried by the dstparty.
The name of the party providing the information.
An Internet address specified in dot notation or a host name.
The name of the party requesting information.
The portion of the object identifier space that will be searched using BULK requests. The snmpbulkwalk utility queries all variables in the subtree below the given variable and displays their values. Specify variable_name in the format specified in the file mib.txt.

If you don't specify variable_name, snmpbulkwalk searches the entire Internet MIB for host.


The snmpbulkwalk utility uses BULK requests to query for a tree of information about a network entity (snmpwalk uses GET NEXT requests).

If you're using SNMP version 2, the following files must be configured:

For a description on how to configure the files please see the ``Administrative model'' section in the SNMPv2 chapter, and the file page for each of the configuration files listed above. If you wish to change the location of your configuration files, you must include a snmpd.conf file.


Retrieve the variables in the system subtree:

Using SNMPv1

snmpbulkwalk -v 1 public system

Using SNMPv2

snmpbulkwalk manager_party agent_party agent_context system

The output is similar to:

system.sysDescr.0 = "QNX 425 C, cpu: 586"
system.sysObjectID.0 = OID: enterprises.QNX-Systems.1.1
system.sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (8336500) 23:09:25 Current time: Wed Mar 18 14:1
6:59 1998
system.sysContact.0 = "Dave Brown"
system.sysName.0 = ""
system.sysLocation.0 = ""
system.sysServices.0 = 79

Environment variables:

Specify the location of the mib.txt file. For example, MIBFILE=path/mib.txt (the default path is /etc).
If SUFFIX exists in your environment, all object IDs with a symbolic name will be printed with only the last element. Examples:

This ID:


will be printed as:


This ID:


will be printed as:



If the network entity has an error processing the request packet, an error packet is returned and snmpbulkwalk displays a message to help pinpoint how the request was malformed.

If snmpbulkwalk tries to search beyond the end of the MIB, it displays this message:

End of MIB

See also:

snmpd, snmpget, snmpgetnext, snmpnetstat, snmpstatus, snmptest, snmptrap, snmptrapd

/etc/acl.conf file, /etc/context.conf file, /etc/mib.txt file, /etc/party.conf file, /etc/snmpd.conf file, /etc/view.conf file

RFC 1065, RFC 1066, RFC 1067

RFC 1441, RFC 1445, RFC 1446

RFC 1448, RFC 1449

Marshall T. Rose, The Simple Book: An Introduction to Internet Management, Revised 2nd ed. (Prentice-Hall, 1996, ISBN 0-13-451659-1)