
attach serial lines as network interfaces


slattach ttyname [baudrate]


The name of the tty device. This should be a string of the form serxx, or /dev/serxx.
The speed of the connection. If this isn't specified, the default of 9600 is used.


The slattach utility is used to assign a serial line to a network interface. Note that only the superuser may attach a network interface.

Normally, a modem-line hangup will automatically detach the interface. To permanently detach the interface otherwise, kill the slattach process (see the slay utility in the QNX Utilities Reference).

To temporarily disable the interface without detaching it, you can use the following command:

ifconfig interface_name down

where interface_name is the name that's shown by netstat.

To refer to a serial device on another QNX machine, you can place a node ID prefix in front of /dev (e.g. //61/dev/ser1).


slattach /dev/ser1 4800
slattach //61/dev/ser1 9600

See also:

ifconfig, netstat, sliplogin