Appendix: Implementation Notes

This appendix covers the following topics:

Programs not currently supported

The following programs mentioned in TCP/IP Network Administration aren't currently supported:

Page in TCP/IP book: Name of program:
59-60, 245-249 NIS service or ``yellow pages''
94 whois
119 fingerd
125 dmesg
156 dip, diplogin (Please refer to the Serial Network Configuration chapter for information on how to initiate a remote dial-up serial connection.)
189, etc. gated (Unsupported version is available on QUICS.)
228 lockd, share, or statd
236 automount, automountd
324 dig, tcpdump, snoop
381-384 ssh
389-393 COPS, SATAN
393 tcpd
413 archie

Differences between this guide and TCP/IP Network Administration

The following table describes functional differences between the QNX implementation of TCP/IP and the one described in TCP/IP Network Administration.

Page in TCP/IP book: Difference:
xiii References are made to BSD-based UNIX system. QNX TCP/IP is a BSD-based (4.3) implementation. At the time of publishing, QNX uses BIND 8.1.29 and sendmail
8 Support isn't available for X.25.
51, 59-60, 130, 245-250, 297 NIS (Sun's Network Information Service) isn't supported. References to hosts.txt, networks.txt, gettable, and htable don't apply.
90 Specification of broadcast address in BSD 4.2 vs BSD 4.3. It's implied here that BSD 4.2 doesn't support an ``all ones'' broadcast. QNX supports both.
105-118 BSD Kernel Configuration doesn't apply to QNX.

BSD TCP/IP system parameters: Packet forwarding can be enabled with a command-line option to Socket (-dforward).

114 The UDP checksum is always enabled.
124 QNX Ethernet network interface names have the format enx where x is the logical network number. This name is referred to as le0 on a Sun OS system.
130 QNX TCP/IP doesn't support the use of the /etc/inet/netmasks configuration file, which lets ifconfig configure its network mask. In QNX, netmasks must be configured via the ifconfig command line.
153-158 Refer to references in this guide for appropriate use of slattach. Procedures documented in TCP/IP Network Administration don't apply to the QNX implementation of slattach. Also, sldetach isn't available.
221 named logs output messages to syslog().
230-235 The QNX implementation of mountd doesn't support exportfs and doesn't use /etc/xtab (it uses /etc/exports directly).
275 The QNX implementation of sendmail doesn't support the creation of a dbm database; but QNX does support the ``new Berkeley DB.''
276-281 Sample sendmail configuration prototype files aren't included with this release. Ignore references to m4 as support isn't shipped with QNX.
369-377 Utilities mentioned in the password section aren't shipped with QNX. The QNX Installation & Configuration manual should be referred to for information about passwords.
532-582 The QNX sendmail queue directory is in /usr/spool/queue, not /var/spool/mqueue as stated. This is a configurable parameter in /etc/
532-582 All sendmail configuration files are located in the /etc directory. The sendmail program itself is found in /usr/ucb.


References to startup files (/etc/rc*, /etc/tcp, etc.) should be read as /etc/config/sysinit.<node> or /etc/netstart.<node>.